If You Can't Beat ‘Em, Join ’Em: Fiery Recipes for Sweltering Summers

We can't think of a better place to start than our Jalapeño - Lime Tortillas, hand made & cooked fresh over a fire:
- 2 Cups of Flour (our favorite is from Barton Mills)
- 1/4 Cup of Butter
- 3/4 hot water - add slowly
- A Pinch of Baking soda
- 2 Tbsp of Jalapeño-Lime Balsamic Vinegar
- Mix by hand & roll in a ball; press your hands together, with dough between, and smooth into a flat circle
- Build a fire to a steady roar, then let settle down in a large bed of coals
- Place a grate & pan over the fire; test the pan's readiness by sprinkling water onto the pan, if the water sizzles, it's at the right temperature
- Drizzle Garlic Olive Oil on the pan and toss the tortilla dough on top
- Flip when puffy and toasted to your preferred perfection
- Sprinkle Jalapeño-Lime Balsamic on top & enjoy at a toasty temp (but not so toasty that you burn yourself, you'll want to keep your tastebuds in tact for our next recipe)
- 1 oz Ginger-Turmeric Botanical Shrub
- Slices of fresh Jalapeño
- 1 tsp of Rattlesnake Olive Oil
- Pop the above three ingredients into a shaker with some ice; then shake, shake, shake!
- Pour into a glass & top off with ginger beer
- For extra fun, run a lime wedge around the rim and dip into Tanjin before pouring the drink into the glass
For those who don't want to wait for deliciousness, pop some popcorn over the stove, douse in Jalapeño Lime Balsamic and give a solid sprinkle of Tanjin over the whole batch.