What Taste Has Taught Me: Skye McDaniel on Community Inspired Meals

I think I've had my hands in just about every part of taste, Skye says sitting back in the chair next to her dining room table. She's a chef whose career is made as much of community as it is of food. I haven't seen a kitchen or counter or dining room table she hasn't stirred curiosity and laughter in.
Cooking shows you who people are; eating together shows you who people are; their likes and dislikes, their willingness (or not) to try new things. Cooking together shows you how people have relationships. Skye writes recipes by hand, plays with ingredients with others and alone; cooking a meal means more than one set of hands in the kitchen, she listens and pulls a wide array of expertise together to make meals that celebrate the ingredients and make creative combinations feel familiar and comforting.
Skye leans in; into her community, into her environment, into what her hands are making, into her neighbors, into good food, into challenges, into conversations.
Taste is made by so many people; from those who harvest, to those who ship, to those who shelve, to those who slice and serve. A community designs food, so why shouldn't a meal reflect that feeling of community? That's what it's all about anyways. Food creates a space where everyone is welcome to share.
-- Learn more about Skye McDaniels, Chef B, and the rest of the incredible crew at La Bodega Rotisserie + Goods by visiting their Website & Instagram.
-- Join us on February 23rd, from 5pm-7pm, while we enjoy an evening of Mocktails made to pair with La Bodega's seasonal favorites. Learn more here.